Our Mission

Surrounding vulnerable children and families
with support, solutions, and opportunities
to help them find their individual success.

Our Motivation


80% of kids living in orphanages have family.

Meaning, the vast majority of kids living in orphanages are there NOT because their parents are dead or don't want them, but because they simply do not have the financial means to provide for their basic needs such as food, shelter, education, or an adult presence so that children aren't left alone while a parent is at work trying to make money to provide for their family.

How do we change this?

What if we focused our time and resources largely on empowering the families of the 80% so that they can be reunited with and be able to care for their children, like they so desperately want to, and like their children so desperately need?

On a national level in Honduras, of the 8,000 kids living in orphanages, it could look like just 1,600 kids living in residential care and 6,400 kids being able to return to a loving family.

It would look like parents empowered to care for their children, not having to feel shame and worry after having chosen to give up their children, worrying about where they are and how they are doing.

It could look like kids with stronger foundations, brighter futures, and an understanding that families belong together, which will impact how they one day lead their families.

Learn more about how we do this!


Why Honduras?

Honduras is a beautiful country though it is the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. It's filled with amazing and hard-working people who are fighting against poverty to create better opportunities for their families.

Unlike most developed countries, there are few public services available to families when their circumstances are difficult. We believe that if more services existed to uplift families, we would be able to prevent some of the heartbreaking statistics that are a reality for Honduras, and the kids of Honduras specifically.

We believe in the potential that Hondurans have to rise up and continue to make a better tomorrow, and we believe they are worth our investment.


Why Support Families?

We believe that family can be the strong foundation that sets a child up for their success, or it can be a fractured foundation that a child spends the rest of their life trying to find stability and healing from.

The family truly is the most unique structure, perfectly positioned to impact a child's life. There is simply no substitution that can replace what a family can provide for a child. Because of this, we want to uplift families so that they can be that strong foundation for their children.

We believe in the unmatched impact that a family can have on a child, and we believe that families are worth supporting.


Watch more about what we do to support what we believe…