Get Involved

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Short-Term Trips

We believe in the impact that a trip can have. It has the power to forever change the perspective of the one who goes, and there is potential to leave a lasting impact on a community. We believe that our model of short-term trips accomplishes both. It provides a wide range of experience while maximizing your impact to leave a true and lasting change for families in Honduras. We invite your community, your group, and your family to come and experience Honduras by partnering with the work that Embraced is doing. For more details about our short-term trips, send us a message!


Long-Term Volunteers

Are you a college student or over the age of 18 and want to invest your time and talents into Embraced's work while experiencing Honduran culture and gaining experience in nonprofit work? We would love to connect with you! Send us a message to begin the application process!



Become an advocate for the work that Embraced is doing from where you are! Start by sharing about why you care about Embraced with your friends and family and on social media, inviting them to get involved! Consider hosting a fundraiser on behalf of Embraced, and get engaged with family-based care in your community! Whatever your next step is, we would love to talk to you about it! Message us to see how we can best equip you to advocate!



Your donations make a practical difference in the lives of children and families in Honduras. You can give a one-time gift or simply set up a monthly donation to become a monthly partner to expand the work that Embraced is doing!