How These Grandmas Stepped In

Sometimes, there are situations where kids shouldn’t and can't live with their parents.

And as sad as these situations are, it’s inspiring when other family members step up and provide a loving home for kids. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and even older siblings have the power to change these kids’ lives forever by giving them a safe and secure environment to grow up in.

We would love you to meet the two grandmas who inspired us by stepping up to make home a reality for their grandkids this week!

Carmen is the grandma to these five-year-old twin sisters!


Two years ago, the twins were taken away from their mom because they were reported to be malnourished. The child welfare office placed them in an orphanage that focuses on restoring kids’ nutrition to help rehabilitate their health.

Their grandma visited them weekly while they were living in the orphanage, and she began the process of their reunification as soon as she found out that it was a possibility.

These two girls were so excited when we picked them up from the orphanage for the hearing; they couldn’t stop talking about how excited they were to go and live with their grandma, where they have aunts and cousins who live close by, and how excited they were to go to school for the first time and start kindergarten!

Carmen’s unwavering love and dedication toward her granddaughters is truly inspiring, and we are so grateful that these girls will now get to grow up with their family. 

Cristina is the grandma to Justin and Matthew!

These two boys have spent most of their lives in the orphanage that they were placed in after being taken away from their mom because of neglect. Justin was four years old, and Matthew was only eight months old when they were taken away, and they are now eight and four years old.

Their grandma, Cristina, and her husband live over two hours away from San Pedro Sula, where the kids were placed in an orphanage, which has made it incredibly hard to visit them consistently over the years, especially with no means of transportation of their own and limited income from their jobs in agriculture. Nonetheless, Cristina has done everything in her power to get her grandsons back. She believes that kids need to be with their families and she has been willing to make space for them to grow up in her home.

These boys will finally get to live in a stable and loving home, and we are so excited for them to get to be with their family.

Thanks to your support, we were able to support this reunification by providing beds for the boys and helping cover the costs of their education in their new school, which they will start this week!

We are grateful that these grandmas decided to step in for their grandkids, especially at such an important developmental age when they need the attention and affection of a constant adult. Their decision to care for their grandkids has forever changed these four kids’ lives.

We are also grateful for your support, which enabled our team in the Honduran child welfare office to complete the legal processes, and for your support directly to these families.


How Kids Feel About Being Reunified With Their Families


An Eleven-Year Wait