School Is Back In Honduras (for the first time in 23 months)!

School in Honduras is going BACK to in-person classes for the first time in 23 months!

One of the main reasons kids grow up in orphanages and not with their families is a lack of access to education. Often, for families who struggle to make ends meet, paying the annual fees that come with public education… school supplies, backpacks, registration fees, uniforms, etc… can be impossible. And if kids are not enrolled in school until the legal requirement of 6th grade, they can be removed from the care of their families.

Once in an orphanage (many of which have private schools on their campus), even when families desperately want to get their kids back, they can be convinced by the orphanage or other voices that their kids will be better off with this level of education than they would be growing up at home. 

When a family sees the opportunities that this kind of private education can bring, it can be easy to feel that the love, security, identity, and belonging they have to offer their kids just can’t compete. Education is so crucial, but trading family for education is not in the kid’s best interest. The emotional stability of family is not only valuable in its own right, but provides kids a more secure foundation from which they can be more receptive to information and able to really maximize their educational journey.

We want kids to have everything they need to succeed, which means we want to see kids in families AND in school! We are so thankful for our partners who support kids in our programs and ease the financial burden of education for families so that access to education is never a reason kids can’t grow up with their families! 


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