We recently introduced you to Blanca (read her story here) and told how her three children were taken away from her eleven years ago. They have spent most of their childhood in an orphanage and Blanca has spent the last eleven years believing that she would never be able to get them back home because she was told that she needed to have better living conditions and a higher income to get them back.

But after seeing multiple kids able to leave the orphanage and be reunited with their families (thanks to your support of embraced), Blanca’s three now teenage kids started asking how they could go home to their mom and they learned more about the steps to do so.  

They found out what the process was, and the first step was showing up at the child welfare office in the city and filling out a form to request them back, followed by psychological evaluations, a home study, and if she passed those, supervised visits with her kids at the child welfare office.

During one of her regular visits, they told their mom about what they had learned and Blanca didn’t hesitate to go to the child welfare office, where she began the process. There, the lawyer explained that the information she had been given all of those years ago was inaccurate and that she could begin the process of getting her kids back.

We are thrilled to share that these three are finally back home with their mom!

After ELEVEN years of living in an orphanage, we are so happy to share that they are together again. We’re inspired by their resilience and their long fight to be together again.

*this family has given permission to share their picture and parts of their story.


An Impossible Situation


How Kids Feel About Being Reunified With Their Families