Meet Florencia And Learn How You Are Supporting Her Get Her Three Kids Back Home!
Three of her children were taken away because while she was working, her children were staying with a friend who watched them, a neighbor of her friend called and reported them to police as she believed they were being abused. Even though there were no signs of abuse, they were taken to an orphanage so that an investigation could take place.
Florencia has been working on getting her kids back, but the pandemic and welfare resources have slowed down the investigation process. Thankfully, the welfare office and our team were able to visit her to finish the evaluations necessary to complete the process of their reunification!
When we asked Florencia if there was anything that she would need if her kids were reunited with her, her response was beautiful! She said, “I just want my kids back. I would be lying if I told you that we had any material need, we live humbly, but we have everything that we need, and if you gave me something, it would mean that someone who needs it wouldn’t get the help that they need.”
We love Florencia’s heart and desire to have her kids back home! Because of the welfare office’s suggestions, we will support them with just a bunk bed to help their family have the appropriate sleeping division needed. And we are hopeful that in the following weeks, this family will be reunited!
*this family has given their permission to share their picture and parts of their story.