Meet Karina + Hear How You Are Helping Her Daughter Get Back Home!

We went with the welfare office staff to meet Karina, a mom with three kids, two sons (4 & 2), and a 5-year-old daughter, who had been taken to an orphanage two years ago.

A neighbor who had drama with their family had called and reported the family for being too poor to provide for their kids. When the welfare office showed up at their home, Karina, pregnant, was out grocery shopping with her now four-year-old son, and her daughter was at home with her grandma. The welfare office decided that although she looked healthy, the home was not in great condition, and there wasn't food in the house, so they decided to take her to an orphanage. 

They have been waiting for the last two years for a visit from the welfare office to be able to get her back home. 

The welfare office approved the mom's psychological evaluation and determined that her daughter could go back home if the physical conditions of the home were improved. 

The roof to their home was caving in, and because of that, their family had spent the last year and a half sleeping on the patio because it was the only area that was covered and structurally sound. 

They would also need beds. Because of the lack of space on the patio, they could only have fold-up mats to sleep on, and for Karina's daughter to go back home, they would need to have appropriate sleeping space for their family.

They also needed a better-functioning bathroom and area where they can wash clothes with a pila (a water cistern with a washboard where most Hondurans wash clothes and dishes)

We also decided that we would love to help the grandma, Fidelina, with cataract surgery. Over the years she has lost almost all of her vision and even though she has all of the energy in the world, moving around the home is a challenge and puts her at risk for falling. She would also be better able to help with the care of her grandkids if her vision was improved. 

Along with trainings and therapy, we are hoping to support this family so their daughter can return home and they can be well supported and set up for success!

Our team has already replaced the roof of their house and delivered the beds. They are now sleeping inside with a stable roof over their heads! 

The rest of the improvements and trainings are happening over the next few weeks, and we are excited that soon this family will be together again!

*This family has given their permission to share their picture and their story.


REUNITED and it feels so GOOD!


Grandma Miriam’s Home is FINISHED!