Meet Karla!

Meet Karla (pictured with her husband Josue and her three youngest kids)! She is an amazing mom to four beautiful kids! 

A few years ago, her oldest son was taken to live in an orphanage with several of his cousins because their aunt took them to beg for money on the street. 

Karla has overcome so much for her family and has been working so hard to get her son reunited with their family!

She has purchased a piece of land where we have begun to help them construct their home! We will help her with a small business start-up to support their family economically, and help with education costs for their school-aged kids while providing training and therapy. 

We are hopeful that, with this support, her son will finally be home again in the coming months! Stay tuned to watch their story unfold!

*this family has given permission to share their pictures and their story.


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