Meet Taylor + Hear How You Are Helping to Reunite Him With His THREE kids!

Taylor is an incredibly hardworking and loving dad of three children, the oldest, a 10-year-old girl with special needs, and two boys: 8 and 6.

After he and his wife split up six months ago, all three kids stayed with their mom, and Taylor began a job in a part of the country where he has family.

While with their mom, it was reported to the welfare office by a neighbor that the kids were spending their days at home by themselves, and after an investigation, this report was found to be true. All three children were placed in an orphanage four months ago as a result of these findings.

Taylor went to visit his kids where he thought they were living and that's when he was told they had been taken away. The same day he traveled to the welfare office and asked for custody of his children. He has been working tirelessly since that day to make it possible for his kids to come and live with him.

We met Taylor last week and we were able to see his home in the mountains where he, his mom, and his brother live. He and his brother have built a wooden house for their mom and Taylor has already begun construction on an extension so his kids can have a room to stay in. He has been tackling this project one step at a time with whatever supplies he was able to afford.

We are excited to share that Taylor has been approved by the welfare office to have custody of his kids, pending some more updates on the physical conditions in his home. Last week, we were able to go and buy the supplies needed to finish the room for his kids, make this home wheelchair accessible for his daughter, and add a complete bathroom onto this home.

Taylor is working to build all of this with his brother, and he is SO excited to welcome his three children home soon!

He has gotten his kids signed up for the new school year and they will begin school just a block from their home after they are reunified.

We are so grateful for how you are making home a possibility for so many kids and families in Honduras! It’s because of your support that we are able to see families reunited, just like Taylor’s.

Stay tuned on the progress of his home and when his three kids are reunited!


2021 Impact Report


Melvin’s Home Is FINISHED!