Melvin’s Home Is FINISHED!

We're so excited to share the progress on Melvin's house! (See the pictures below!)

In September, we introduced you to this awe-inspiring single dad who truly has fought to provide for his son, who was placed in an orphanage a year ago. He has done everything possible to get his son back, and we are excited to share that now that his home is complete and furnished, the welfare office is finalizing the last legal process for his son to return home!

Without the incredibly hard work that Melvin has done and without your support, his son would have no plan in place for him to be able to return to his dad, and he would live out the rest of his childhood in an orphanage.

Thanks to your support and your generosity, you have forever changed this family's daily reality and made HOME a possibility for him and his son! Your support is truly changing lives.


Meet Taylor + Hear How You Are Helping to Reunite Him With His THREE kids!


Meet Julio and Hear How You Are Helping To Get His Two Kids Back Home!