What A Tank of Gas Means...

Sometimes a home visit from the local welfare office is the only step a family is waiting on before they can be reunited. Before a kid can return to their biological family after being placed in an orphanage, the welfare office must ensure the home is safe, healthy, and prepared to receive their child.

This might seem simple, but in a developing country like Honduras, resources and staff in the government welfare offices are limited. And when resources are limited, the logistics of visiting all of the families who have petitioned to have their kids back becomes complicated.

That’s why we partner with the welfare office by providing transportation to these home visits. We go with the welfare office to meet the family, they conduct their home study, and we are able to determine if the family needs additional support from Embraced.

In many cases, once the team from the welfare office meets the families and sees their conditions, they can conclude the legal process to reunite another kid with their family. That has been the case for THREE FAMILIES already. Three kids are on their way home because the welfare social workers were able to go and visit the families and conduct their home studies. 

These are families that don't need our financial support, they are economically positioned to take their kids, grandkids, or nieces and nephews in, and the only thing standing in their way is the home study, and their child's legal case can move forward towards them being able to go home.

It may not feel like much, but a donation the size of a filling up a tank of gas can make all the difference in the world to a kid who is ready to go home to their loving family.

Your donations matter and translate into real-life change for families in Honduras, THANK YOU!

We also can't wait to introduce you to the new families that are entering our programs that we have been out visiting and meeting with the welfare office on visits like these! 


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