Embraced International Blog

Welcome Back Home!
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

Welcome Back Home!

We previously introduced you to this family that was displaced from their home and all of their belongings after being impacted by two hurricanes…

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Reflections After a Trip to Honduras
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

Reflections After a Trip to Honduras

Christine Hendricks took a trip to Honduras to see the work that she was supporting financially, the following are her thoughts after her trip…

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Welcome Home Project
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

Welcome Home Project

Right now, there are kids currently living in orphanages who have a family that wants them home. Our reintegration program is making it possible for these kids to get back home!

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Exciting Developments Happening!
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

Exciting Developments Happening!

After months of program development, meetings with the directors of the local and national government welfare offices, dozens of zoom calls with organizations successfully operating around the world...

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