Embraced International Blog

I'll Be Home For Christmas Is More Than A Song (thanks to your support)
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

I'll Be Home For Christmas Is More Than A Song (thanks to your support)

A few months ago, we introduced you to Karla. She is a GREAT mom to four kids! Several years ago, her oldest son was taken to live in an orphanage because Karla’s sister had been watching him for the day while she worked and decided to take him and her children to beg for money at a traffic light.

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Victoria + Lorenzo’s Home is FINISHED!
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

Victoria + Lorenzo’s Home is FINISHED!

“We are all deserving of a second chance” is what Victoria and Lorenzo’s neighbor said to us the day we met them and heard their story about how, ultimately, living in extreme poverty led to their six kids being taken to an orphanage.

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A Family Reunion Like You Won't Believe
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

A Family Reunion Like You Won't Believe

Imagine four years after a complicated childbirth where you were told that your newborn had passed away and that you were contacted by a social worker telling you that your child was alive…

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Laughing All The Way...(Home)
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

Laughing All The Way...(Home)

On Monday morning, Lesbi, our Director of Operations, and I (Erica) drove with the social worker from the local child welfare office to an orphanage in San Pedro Sula…

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Hear The Story Of Six Kids Who Are Headed Home
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

Hear The Story Of Six Kids Who Are Headed Home

Victoria and Lorenzo love their six children. They just haven't had the best opportunities and have lived in extreme poverty their whole lives.

Because they live in extreme poverty, an extended relative reported Victoria's six kids as not being well taken care of…

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Maria's Home is FINISHED!
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

Maria's Home is FINISHED!

A few months ago, we introduced you to Maria! Her three kids were taken by child protective services and placed in an orphanage after losing their home to a hurricane nearly two years ago.

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What Your Support Has Given Devin + Her Six Kids!
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

What Your Support Has Given Devin + Her Six Kids!

Devin is an amazing mom to six BEAUTIFUL children. She is extremely hard-working, and several years ago, she launched her own business making and selling tortillas in her community, where she was always able to provide for her kids.

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Better Together!
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

Better Together!

This beautiful six-year-old girl is BACK HOME with her mom (Karina) and two little brothers from the orphanage she was living in, thanks to your support!

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Your Support’s Real-Life Impact For Suyapa!
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

Your Support’s Real-Life Impact For Suyapa!

A few months ago, we introduced you to Suyapa. After an incident that happened with her granddaughter while she was living with her mother, Suyapa had asked for her granddaughter to come home to live with her.

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2022 Is Half Way Over…
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

2022 Is Half Way Over…

2022 is officially HALF WAY over, and we can barely believe it!

If you have been following along since last year, you may remember that we started this year with the goal to help FIFTY kids be reunited with their families and able to return home from the orphanages that they had been placed in.

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Meet Anastasia, Everyone’s Favorite Aunt
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

Meet Anastasia, Everyone’s Favorite Aunt

Let's be honest, we all had a favorite aunt or uncle growing up. We knew that if we ever needed a place to go, we could go to them, and they would treat us like their own…

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Meet Maria + Hear Her Story!
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

Meet Maria + Hear Her Story!

After losing her home to a hurricane, Maria was staying in a temporary shelter with her sister and her three kids. One day, a truck arrived looking for day workers to help with the clean up of the aftermath of the storm…

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Meet Karla!
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

Meet Karla!

Meet Karla (pictured with her husband Josue and her three youngest kids)! She is an amazing mom to four beautiful kids!
A few years ago, her oldest son was taken to live in an orphanage…

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Restoring Dignity
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

Restoring Dignity

Imagine if the only job you could find made you spend hours under the hot sun, digging through strangers' trash in search of recyclables that you would then haul to the recycling center in exchange for just enough money to feed your family and buy purified water for one day…

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Why Local Matters
Erica Switzer Erica Switzer

Why Local Matters

This is Hildago. He has worked in construction his entire life, and he lives next door to Cinthia, one of the families we are supporting so that her daughter can return home to her family…

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